

Shore Measuring Systems provides sales and service for Steinlite® moisture meters, VICAM® mycotoxin testing solutions and EnviroLogix® GMO testing. We also have a line of grain grading equipment to compute test weight and dockage percentages, including OHAUS® grain test scales. Commercial grain operations count on Shore Measuring Systems for certified test equipment and fast repair service. Our units are Legal-for-Trade, NTEP approved, and meet the new UGMA standard for grain moisture testing. We are responsible for maintaining accurate grain calibrations for GIPSA-FGIS (Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration and Federal Grain Inspection Service) standard testers. This means you can always expect an accurate moisture tester calibration from Shore Measuring Systems.

Shore Measuring Systems Commercial Products:


Steinlite SL95 NTEP Moisture Meter

OHAUS Grain Grading Scale

Other Equipment Available
Contact Us: or Tel.: +1 765-769-3000
